Minutes Oct 28,2010

Minutes Nov 24
Minutes Oct 28,2010
Minutes Oct 14 2010

Annual Salaries
Minutes 2010
December 2010 Vouchers
Commissioners meeting Nov.15



The Regular Meeting of the Kiowa County Commissioners was called to order at 9:00 a.m. by Chairman Rodney Brown on October 28, 2010. Oswald opened the meeting with prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance.  Those attending were:


Rodney Brown, Commissioner

Donald Oswald, Commissioner

Richard Scott, Commissioner

Roland Sorensen, Deputy County Clerk

Peggy Dunlap, Administrator


Also attending the meeting as a visitor was Tom Richards.

 Minutes from the October 14, 2010 Regular Meeting was read. Oswald made the motion, seconded by Scott, to approve the minutes as read. All Commissioners voted affirmative.

 Peter Pawlowski with Competitive Power Ventures Inc. (CPV) met with the Commissioners to discuss wind farms and to answer any questions that they might have.

 F.N.P.C. Erin Hieb-Morgan met with the Commissioners to discuss a Fitness Center. She was present at the July 12th Meeting, which started this conversation. They would like to rent a portion of the second floor next to the day care in the Bransgrove Building. They would need to know how much weight that the floor could handle as some of the equipment is very heavy. They would also need an area to store the equipment that they are getting until the space is available and the rent was established. A memorandum of understanding would need to be entered into for the rental of space.

 Area Extension Agent Bruce Fickenscher presented the CSU Extension quarterly report to the Commissioners. The report summarizes major educational programming in the third quarter of 2010 for the Southeast Area Extension.

 The Commissioners received an estimate on replacing one of the county truck motors. Discussion followed as to replacing or repairing the truck. It was decided that the best option would be to repair the truck. Scott made the motion, seconded by Brown, to repair the truck. All Commissioners voted affirmative.

 Chris Schra met with the Commissioners about doing tree work in the county. He discussed the condition of the trees and also offered to give a detailed plan of what would need to be done to the trees at no charge to the county. He has done tree work in a neighboring county and was given high praise from two Kiowa County residents that he did work for.

 The Commissioners discussed the Open Enrollment Period for the County Insurance. With the new health care that was passed, the insurance rate had increased by 8% to cover the cost of this program. The County has to hold the line on the insurance costs. The employees have been given three options to choose from. The first option will still be paid by the County with a higher deductible and a health savings account that the County will pay into. The Kiowa County National Bank does pay a 2% interest rate on health savings accounts. The next two options will have a charge to the employee.

 Brown made the motion, seconded by Oswald, to go into Executive session at 11:45 a.m. to discuss legal matters with County Attorney Wendy Shinn. All Commissioners voted affirmative.

 The Commissioners came out of Executive Session and resumed the Regular Meeting at 12:00 p.m.

 John Marrin with the Lamar Community College visited with the Commissioners regarding the various programs being offered at the college. They are now in partnership with UCCS and are offering a nursing program again.

 The Commissioners discussed posting a schedule for the transit van so potential riders could make their appointments on the days the van will be going to that location.

 As previously discussed, in order to avoid a large increase in insurance rates to the County, the Commissioners had to change the insurance options to the employee. One will be paid for by the County with reduced benefits and the other two will have the rate increase paid for by the employee. The first option does have a health savings account with it that the County will pay into. The Kiowa County National Bank does pay a 2% interest rate on health savings accounts. The Commissioners discussed only allowing one insurance package per family as in the past. Scott made the motion, seconded by Oswald, for the County to only pay for one insurance package per family. All Commissioners voted affirmative.

 The Division of Reclamation, Mining and Safety sent the Commissioners a letter clarifying items that were incomplete in the expansion permit of the Peters Gravel Pit.  They have until November 9, 2010 to submit all necessary documents that the office needs.

 The Commissioners have not received any bids on the County property that is being offered for sale. Pictures have been taken and placed on the www.kiowacounty-colorado.com web site, with the property being advertised as an investment property.

 Alden Miller had contacted Commissioner Brown to see if the County would assist in relocating some of the Sand Creek signs that are currently up. The Commissioners all felt as if this was something that the County could and should do to help the Park.

 Brown made the motion, seconded by Oswald, to approve the annual contract between USDA-APHIS_WS and Kiowa County. All Commissioners voted affirmative.

 The contract agreements with Colorado Preservation Inc. on the Murdock building needs to be signed in order to move forward. All monies are in place to begin the project. Oswald made the motion, seconded by Brown, to sign the contract. All Commissioners voted affirmative.

 There has been an ongoing discussion about posting the profit and loss statements for Prairie Pines Assisted Living, Day Care and Kiowa County Economic Development Foundation on the www.kiowacounty-colorado.com web site and also in the Kiowa County Press. Oswald made the motion seconded by Scott to posts these reports. All Commissioners voted affirmative.

 Michelle Wyckoff requested that signs be put in place at mile markers 128 and 132 to let drivers know of possible cattle and horses on the highway. The Commissioners are requesting the State to put the signs up.

 The vouchers were reviewed. Three vouchers were questioned. Vouchers were approved and signed.

 The Sheriff’s report was signed and filed.

 The Veterans report was reviewed.

 The next Regular Meeting will be held November 15, 2010.

 With no further business, Brown made the motion, seconded by Oswald, to adjourn at 3:58 p.m. All Commissioners voted affirmative.


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